One of the nicest things about operating a dive business like Oceanaddicts is the many new people we meet. Recently we met Nico who is a very fine young person from Germany who was here in Ireland to improve his English and learn about the working environment in Ireland. Nico was with Oceanaddicts for six weeks where he made a great contribution, helping with the daily chores of running a dive center. He had a passion for fishing and an burning interest in the marine environment. We wish him well for his future, and hope that out paths will cross again in the future.
A report by Nico in German and English about his experience in Cork, Ireland
Bericht über meinen Aufenthalt in Irland
Hi Ich bin Nico und bin 19 Jahre alt, Da ich Zeit zu überbrücken hatte, entschloss ich mich nach Irland zu gehen und ein Praktikum zu machen um zu sehen wie es in der Arbeitswelt in Irland aussieht. In den ersten 3 Wochen meines Aufenthaltes besuchte ich die UCC in Cork. Dort machte ich einen Sprachkurs der mein Englisch um einiges aufgefrischt hat. Waerend Ich in der UCC war suchten meine Betreuer und ich einen Praktikumsplatz für mich. Ich stiess auf Ocean Addicts und war gleich begeistert. Da ich Hobbyangler und Aquarianer bin, fasziniert mich die Unterwasserwelt sehr. Ich stellte mich vor und man kam ins Gespräch. Den Praktikumsplatz hatte ich bekommen. Was mich sehr freute. Meine Tätigkeiten machen Spass, am meisten genoss ich aber die Arbeitsatmosphäre. Wir waren gemeinsam Schnorcheln und Tauchen was ich sehr genoss. Nun ist meine Zeit um und es bleibt nur der Abschied. Aber ganz sicher nicht für immer. Ich plane schon einen Urlaub nächstes Jahr.
Report about my Experience in Ireland
Hi, my name is Nico and I’m 19 years old, The reason I came to Ireland is simple. I had some free time and I wanted to know about the working environment in Ireland and to improve my English, a little. In the first 3 Weeks, I went to University College Cork, where I did an English course. While I went to UCC, I did search with my teacher for a Work Experience. I found OceanAddicts and was very excited, because I’m a hobby angler and Fish keeper. I’m fascinated by the Underwater world. I came to Graham and Anne and introduced myself. They told me I get the job. I looked forward to this. I had a big fun with my work. The best was the working atmosphere, I enjoyed it very much. We went snorkelling on the surface and diving. I enjoyed this experience. Also, in my spare time, I went fishing and caught some big fish. Now it’s time to say good bye, but no worries, I want to come back next year for a holiday, perhaps to do some more diving.