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Colourful lings
Colourful dive on the Ling rocks Cork

Oceanaddicts are delighted to announce that we are running a Marine Biology Workshop on the 15th & 16th of September. The Workshop will take place on board Embarr and will be hosted by Dr.Tim Butter. Tim is a Marine Biologist and member of Cork Sub Aqua Club. Tim has been fascinated by marine life since childhood and now works as a scientist and ecologist.

The workshop is aimed at divers who would like to find out more about the life they encounter on their dives. The weekend will be a mixture of diving and talks / slide shows and is designed to bring a deeper understanding of the rich marine life in our little bit of the worlds oceans. For those involved in Seasearch there will be plenty of time for form filling and assistance with identification issues. Alternative means of biodiversity data will be discussed.

The cost of the workshop id €300 which includes 2 nights Bed & Breakfast, Lunch & snacks, all diving & Gas and talks. If you are interested or would like more information contact Anne or 087-7903211

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