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Fishing Boats in St Ives

Fishing Boats in St Ives

Raising the Colours

Raising the Colours

Gull in St Ives

Gull in St Ives


  • shauna murphy says:

    hi anne and graham
    hope you got home alright yesterday heard you had a bit of hassle! Poor Ye1 just wondering wjen ye got home????????? Ill see you soon anyway!!!!!!!!! Mam,dad and mary say hi! enjoy the rest of the trip! ha!

    hugs and kisses
    Shauna Murphy xx. 🙂

  • shauna murphy says:

    hi anne and graham
    hope you got home alright yesterday heard you had a bit of hassle! Poor Ye1 just wondering wjen ye got home????????? Ill see you soon anyway!!!!!!!!! Mam,dad and mary say hi! enjoy the rest of the trip! ha!

    hugs and kisses
    Shauna Murphy xx. 🙂

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